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Vol. 47 No. 1 (2020)
Vol. 47 No. 1 (2020)
Full Issue
The Improvisation in Arts:
Yahya Issa, Mohammed Al-Abbas, Nser Jawabra
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Typological Universals of Agreements in Arabic Second Language Acquisition
Moh'd Al-Omari, Ekab Al-Shawashreh, Abdallah Alshdaifat, Anas al Huneety, Bassil Mashaqba
Differences in the Level of Evolution of the Motive of Affiliation in a Sample of Students of the University of Jordan According to Some Demographic Variables
Yousef Abuhmaidan, Mohammad Bani Younis
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A Study in the Narrative Formation of the Short Feminist Story "Cracks in the Palm of a Green" Analytical Model Writer Hind Abu Al-Shaar
Hanan AL Amayrah, Moath ALHeary, Basheir Ekaab
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Qatar and Germany: Primacy of interests and order of priority
Amjad Taama
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How Do Americans Perceive Arabs? Social and Cultural Experience of University Students
Bilal Obeidat, Mohammad AlKhaza’leh
The Relationship between PUBG and The Tendency to Violence among Children in the Jordanian Society fromparents’ Point of View: a Survey Study on a Sample from the Northern Region
Rami Aljbour, Ayman Alkrimeen, Majida Al-majali
Readings in Ghazi Al-Qusaibi’s Collection of Poems “Oqud min Al Hijarah”
Nayef Al Resheedi
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The Impactof Social Networking Websites on the System of University Values Among Students of Al Ain University of Science and Technology in the U.A.E
Mohammad Alkhazaleh
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Israeli-Syrian Negotiation 1991-1996: Missed Opportunities and Elusive Peace
Hasan AlMomani
Documents of Jerusalem Legal Court No. (41) as a Model of Military Division Books (Documentary Study)
Galeb Al-Arabiat
Particularities Of Culture-Specific Idiomatic Expressions: Source, Translation And Social Context
Adnan Smadi
Examining the Phenomenon of Menstrual Synchrony at an International Co-educational Boarding High School in Jordan
Nadine Jarrar
The Ugliness in Arabic Poetry: “Cultural Criticism Reading”
Ahmed Al-Bzour
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The Imagery of Beauty Spots in Andalusian Poetry
yousef banat
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Zarqa City’s Impact on Jihadism: Inspecting Salafism’s Role
Wisam Hazimeh
Jordan, Political Reforms and the Arab Spring: the Role of External Forces with Special Reference to the EU in influencing Reforms Process
waleed abudalbouh
Digital Media: The Problematic of Concept and the Definition of Channels in Media Studies
Abdulkareem Aldebaisi, Ibrahim AlKhasawneh
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Italian as a Foreign Language: Error Analysis in Oral Production
Ali Al-Ali, Yazeed Hammouri
The Morphological Balance and the Abstract Verb, with Their Corresponding in English
hanaa abdullah
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The Dramatic Program in the Third Movement of Al-Hussein Bin Ali Symphony by Yousef Khasho as a Model (Analytical study )
Haitham Sukkarieh
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Suggested Educational Principles for Integrating Humor inside Classes of English at Birzeit University Based on the Relief Theory
Rania Qasrawi, Mohammad Alzboon
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Qur’anic Semantic Markedness: A Translation and Linguistic Perspective
Adnan Abumahfouz, Yasser Al-Shboul
Subject-verb Agreement in Arabic, Spanish, and English: Typological View
Marwan Jarrah, Mohammad Rayyan, Ekab Al-Shawashreh, Malek Zuraikat
Ali Dilem's Caricature Speech: What Icon-Linguistic Strategies In The Algerian French Press is?
Wafa Bedjaoui
Depicting the Effect of Constructing Al-Hassan Industrial City on Land Use in the New Municipality of Ramtha Using Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing
Reem alkharouf, Ayed Taran, Mohammad Khair Alayoub, Mousa AL Dhoun
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The Relationship between Socio-Economic Factors and the Academic Achievement of Students of Foreign Languages at the University of Jordan
Nahed Emaish
The Predicted Characteristics of the Foster Family in The Raising of Children Born Out of Wedlock in Jordanian Society
Khaled Al-Alwan
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Stylistics and Receptiveness in Qur’anic Studies Through two Applied Models
Omar Al-Anbar
The Moral Bankruptcy of Whiteness in Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Nouh Alguzo
Shifts in Speech Acts in Fiction Translation: Evidence of a More Marked Narratorial Voice
Othman Abualadas
The Homonym Factor in the Formation of Linguistic Ambiguity for the Students of the Department of Modern Languages / French Language at Yarmouk University
Batoul Muhaisen, Haitham Thawbia, Mona Ajrmay
Animal Names Used to Address People in Jordanian Spoken Arabic*
Ahmad Al-Harahsheh, Ra'fat Al-rousan
L’équivalence sémantique dans les dictionnaires bilingues franco-arabes : source, traduction et contexte social
Adnan Smadi Smadi
Statuses of Mecca Al_Mukaramah in the Periods of Al_Sharief Hussain bin Ali "
Anas Omoush, Ibrahim AL-Sharaah
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The Scientific Life in Safad at the Eighth Century of Hijra
Fu’adAbd Al-Duwaykat
Models of the Fantastic in Flann O’Brien’s The Third Policeman
Abdalhadi Abu Jweid, Ghada Sasa
The Perception of Colors and Light in the Arabic Translation of Albert Camus's Novel (TheStranger)
Narjess Ennasser, Adnan Smadi, Shereen Kakish
The Implication of Priming and Framing Effects for News Coverage of Gaza’s the Great March of Return in Arabic News Websites: A Comparison between Aljazeera and al-Arabiya
Bader Al-Madi, Mohamed Al-Khraisha, Juhaina Al-Issawi
The Poetry of Stylistic Shift in The Poem of Lamentation Between AbiTammam and Al – Bahtri
ِAfaf Fraiht, Amal Mohammad
The Adverb Hierarchy in Jordanian Arabic: A Cinquean Approach
Waleed Al-Bom, Marwan Jarrah
General Developments in Jordan under Prime Minister Wasfi al-Tal (1962-1971) "Historical Study – the Newspapers as a Source"
Ibrahim Al Shraah, anwar aljazy
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The Caliphate State Concept in the Ideological Theses of Al-Qaeda Organisation Intellects (Jihad)
khaled Mohsen
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Investigating English Language Classroom Anxiety and Its Relation to the Achievement of Iraqi Upper Secondary School Students
Qusay Mutar
The Phenomenon of Parliamentary Violence in Jordan Causes and Consequences
Amin Alazzam
Peace in a Divided Society
Hassan Barari
The Historian Ibn al-Loaiba and his Book in History
Issam Okleh
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U.S. Uni - Polarity and the International System
Mohamed Alkhraisha
Jordanian Songs of (Fardah)
Raida Alwan, Mohammad Ghawanmeh
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The Manifestations of Urbanism During the Mongols the Ilkhanites (683-703/1284-1304)
suaad al-taai
The Role of Election Laws in Representing Political Parties in Jordanian Parliament Councils Following The Democratic Transformation (1989-2016)
Ra'ad Al-Awamleh
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