Effect of groundwater salinity on soil in Mahmudiya district


  • Suhila Al-Ibrahimi


The aim of this research is to show the importance of determining the quality and salinity of groundwater in order to determine the effect of this salinity on the soil of the region and whether there is a correlation between soil salinity and groundwater. As well as clarify the reasons for this salinity through the analysis of natural and human factors affecting them and study these factors in detail and get the accuracy required to benefit from them in determining the different investments of soil and groundwater alike. Dependence on the modern techniques of (GIS) to accelerate, accuracy and clarity through the preparation of a complete database reliable in the number of maps and different models have been reached many of the results after the completion of this preparation, including:- Explaining the impact of geological structure and formations on groundwater quality and salt content. The importance of modern technologies (GIS) to obtain accurate and rapid results to be used in various studies and the preparation of models for them, especially groundwater to determine the optimal investment. The impact of climatic elements, especially rainfall, on the proportion of salts to soil and groundwater alike. The nature of the surface slope and flow in the region has a clear impact in facilitating the process of penetration of water to the subsoil and the rise of its level.




كيفية الاقتباس

Al-Ibrahimi, S. (2020). Effect of groundwater salinity on soil in Mahmudiya district. Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences, 47(2). استرجع في من http://archives.ju.edu.jo/index.php/hum/article/view/107531