The Actantial Schema in (Surat Al-Naml)- Story of Solomon and Balqis as an Example


  • Ahmad Naser


This study aims to reveal the actantial roles that belong to the narrative grammar and its elements are placed behind the sentences that can be read from the level of appearance of the text to be analyzed, which is in Surat al-Naml, which includes more than one story of the old people, it included the success of some prophets in their call for these people and convert their to worshiping God. and it included also the non-response of other people to this call.The research is based on the methodological study of the Sura above by describing the narrative level of Queen Balqis's story only without the other two levels. I mean the surface level and the deep level, because the research is concerned only with the personalities and their transformations as actants that work within a certain narrative program. The research will treat the personalities as subjects with actantial roles.




كيفية الاقتباس

Naser, A. (2020). The Actantial Schema in (Surat Al-Naml)- Story of Solomon and Balqis as an Example. Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences, 47(2). استرجع في من