Urban attraction and its effects on constructional environment of Baqubah city


  • Amjad Al-Kubeisi
  • Khuloud Al-Anbaki


The development of Baqubah city leads to attract population to it , which makes it the largest urban center in Diyala governorate, due to its Geographical location as a connective ring between this city and other districts, which eases processes of transportation and commercial exchange through matching its transportation network ways making transportation easy both inside and outside, in addition to concentrate most of offices ,economic activities ,varieties of services , which makes the city an attractive center. Hence, research concentrates on clear Urban attraction characters in city within its various impacts, the descriptive approach was used to describe the variables of phenomena and analysis approach to come up with results showed that the city considered as an attractive center for populations with various of social ,economic activities and effects of that constructional environment of city and determine most important of obstacles and problems to adopt suitable solutions which serves the need of city’s populations and their requirements .




كيفية الاقتباس

Al-Kubeisi, A., & Al-Anbaki, K. (2020). Urban attraction and its effects on constructional environment of Baqubah city. Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences, 47(2). استرجع في من http://archives.ju.edu.jo/index.php/hum/article/view/107452