Feminizing Culture: A Reading of Inaam Kachachi’s Novel Alnabiza


  • Nasra Jadwe


Is a novel where time mixes strangely, taking the reader in a tour across events and years. Its heroine is a lady who represents the melting together of races, cultures, and the intersection of Eastern values. Her character brings together the past of Iraq with its painful present. This study consists of four sections: the first reflects on title, feminine creativity, and breaking linguistic barriers. The second section deals with narration and history- woman as an eye-witness on its age. The third section is about characters as spaces for cultural intersection. The fourth section deals with fictional space- feminized self-images. This novel reflects the melting of the feminized self in history and its close connection with place as a witness that transcends time and change as the novel does not end with the death of the female-narrator as such.




كيفية الاقتباس

Jadwe, N. (2020). Feminizing Culture: A Reading of Inaam Kachachi’s Novel Alnabiza. Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences, 47(2). استرجع في من http://archives.ju.edu.jo/index.php/hum/article/view/107429