Examining the Phenomenon of Menstrual Synchrony at an International Co-educational Boarding High School in Jordan


  • Nadine Jarrar


Whether or not menstrual synchrony exists has been a topic of debate since 1971, following Martha K. McClintock’s first research in the field (McClintock, 1971). By 2006, Dr. Jeffrey Schank finally put a lid on it, declaring synchrony was a perception rather than a phenomenon (Yang & Schank, 2006). This study revisits menstrual synchrony particularly among close friends residing in an all-female dormitory at a coeducational boarding school in Jordan. The conservative culture to which residents adhere suggested a conducive environment for the study. For the first time in the field, the sample only examined 14-18 year old women -a group that previous researchers either excluded or included within a larger sample for fear that their cycles were far too irregular. With 85% participation rate, a group of 59 females were studied across a 181-day period. No significant results proving synchrony or the impact of degree of closeness were found, providing support for previous researchers’ conclusions regarding menstrual synchrony.




كيفية الاقتباس

Jarrar, N. (2020). Examining the Phenomenon of Menstrual Synchrony at an International Co-educational Boarding High School in Jordan. Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences, 47(1). استرجع في من http://archives.ju.edu.jo/index.php/hum/article/view/106764


