Unemployed Women in Rural Saudi Arabia: Gender, Mobility and Social Challenges


  • Shuruq Alsharif
  • Jessica D. Ulrich-Schad


This research analyzes perceptions surrounding the causes of the high level of unemployed qualified Saudi women in rural places, including the role of the educational system and attitudes of Saudi society. Previous studies found that a primary reason for this issue is a mismatch between education and the needs of the labor market in Saudi Arabia, as well as the attitudes of Saudi society. In this study, unemployed Saudi women in rural areas were studied using the phenomenological approach. The seven participants have diverse place of origin, current place of residence, major, and life situation. Using open-ended questions, in-depth one-on-one interviews with the participants were conducted through SkypeTM. The findings indicate that the reasons behind the higher rate of unemployed Saudi women in rural areas are: (1) Demographic Characteristics, (2) High Demand for Public Sector Work, (3) Transportation and Child Care Facilities, and (5) Positive Changes in Societal Attitudes.




كيفية الاقتباس

Alsharif, S., & D. Ulrich-Schad, J. (2019). Unemployed Women in Rural Saudi Arabia: Gender, Mobility and Social Challenges. Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences, 46(4). استرجع في من http://archives.ju.edu.jo/index.php/hum/article/view/102439


