Role of New Media in the Reproduce Socialization of Adolescents at High School


  • Lara AlHadedd الأردنية / محاضرة غير متفرغة


This study was conducted in order to detect the role of new media in re-producing socialization of Adolescents at high school, in public schools in Irbid Governorate during 2014. The study developed a questionnaire to achieve this goal, it was conducted on (201) adolescent from high school students, who are using the new media, the sample was randomly selected. The study used descriptive statistical analysis methods, and regression analysis and "T” test analysis, to achieve the objectives of the study. Results showed number of findings, first that the new media has a significant role in the re-socialization of Adolescents in general. Besides new media has a big role that influencing adolescents individual positive values, it also increase chances to accurate their personal preferences, which affect their time management as well. The study also found that there were no statistical relevant differences at the level of significance (α = 0.05) between the role of the new media, and reproducing socialization attributable to the study variables (age, sex, type of residence). Study recommended conducting more studies on the new media role in the socialization re-production for adolescent young people, and the need to be aware of the influence of new media towards assuring negative attitudes that may affect re-socialization within families and in societies over all.



How to Cite

AlHadedd, L. (2016). Role of New Media in the Reproduce Socialization of Adolescents at High School. Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences, 43. Retrieved from


