Positivists Epistemological Crisis Discourse of Zaki Najib Mahmoud


  • Mohammad Al-Shayyab جامعة الاميرة سمية للتكنولوجيا


Zaki Najib Mahmoud considered the most prominent representatives of positivism in the Arab word, which offers a vision based on the epistemological mind logical positivism in Europe. The question Alveasay search to answer: is this vision has been able to express the epistemological theory in modernity actually Arabic or whether it remained a modernist critical theory in the west it self? To answer this question, I followed the curriculum cash analytical away from cash exclusionary in an attempt to answer the hypothesis that Zaki Najib Mahmoud has reached to determine his epistemological on a base of originality in the analysis, in terms of independence and distance from follower. But obviously practice contemporary Arab, consequential discourse highlights that this practice is full of contradictions and consequential supply and as an expression of defensive retreat when doesn’t place for creative philosophical thought.



How to Cite

Al-Shayyab, M. (2016). Positivists Epistemological Crisis Discourse of Zaki Najib Mahmoud. Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences, 43. Retrieved from http://archives.ju.edu.jo/index.php/hum/article/view/6139


