Current Distribution of the Root-Knot Nematodes (Meloidogyne Species and Races) in Jordan


  • W. Abu-Gharbieh
  • M. Karajeh
  • S. Masoud


Eighty-three samples of galled roots and soil were collected from infected vegetable crops and fruit trees during the period from May 2002 to August 2003. The survey covered most of the irrigated agricultural areas of Jordan namely: Southern Ghors (south of the Dead Sea), Jordan Valley, elevated uplands, and eastern desert plains. Meteorological data, host crop, cropping method, and irrigation system were recorded for the sites covered by the survey. Soil samples were analyzed for soil texture, pH, Electrical Conductivity (EC), and soil organic matter content. Nearly 84% of the collected populations were identified as M. javanica, 6% as M. incognita race 1, 4% as M. incognita race 2, and 6% as M. arenaria race 2. Meloidogyne javanica was distributed throughout all the investigated districts. Meloidogyne incognita race 1 was found in the northern part of the Jordan Valley (Dier Alla) and the eastern desert plain (Qwerah), while M. incognita race 2 was found in the northern part of Jordan Valley (Al-Qarin) and the elevated upland (Al-Qastall). Meloidogyne arenaria race 2 was found only in a limited area in the mid Jordan Valley (Dier Alla), and this is the first report on its occurrence in Jordan. Results showed that M. javanica had several degrees (Cº) higher range than those of M. incognita and M. arenaria. However, rainfall and soil parameters indicated little direct effect on the distribution of Meloidogyne species in Jordan.





