Bread Consumption in a Sample of Young Jordanian Adults: A Pilot Study


  • Hamed Takruri
  • Fatema Abu-Hussein


Bread is one of the oldest consumed foods in the world. It is considered the main staple food item in many countries. Around the world the average intake of bread varies widely depending on the cultural and eating habits. It is associated with many socio-demographic factors including age, gender, socioeconomic status and educational level. A structured quantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) was used to assess the daily intake of different types of bread that are consumed by a convenience sample of 208 healthy male and female young adults who live in Amman city. The average daily bread intake of the study sample was 416.7 ± 21.1 g/d.. White Arabic bread was the main contributor of total bread intake accounting for 67% of total intake. Total bread intake was significantly associated with gender and family income. It can be concluded that bread consumption is relatively high in the Jordanian community with white bread being the main bread consumed.





