The Baghdadi Historian Muhammad ibn Ahmad Al-Qadisi (died 632 A.H/ 1235 A.D) and his book Al-Fakhir fi dhikr hawadith Ayyam al-Imam al-Nasir


  • Modar Telfah


The present paper aims at shedding light on the Baghdadi historian Muhammad ibn Ahmad Al-Qadisi (died 632 H/ 1235AD), and his book which is entitled Al-Fakhir fi dhikr hawadith Ayyam al-Imam al-Nasir. The paper focuses on uncovering his way of life, the significance of his book, his approach, and the subsequent historians who copied him. The paper shows that ibn Al-Qadisi and his book were famous and the historians who followed him heavily relied on his book for more on the past events including the deaths during the period from(575-616 A.H/ 1179-1220 A.D). Ibn Al-Qadisi adopted the chronological annals approach whereby he was very punctual with regard to the accuracy of dates, details, and causes of events; he provided sound critique of the past events, arranged deaths in chronological order, and integrated pivotal information on the people whom he translated. The paper has also summarized ibn Al-Qadisi resources of his book Al Fakhir with regard to events, figures, official decrees issued by the governors then, the scholars' correspondence in the Muslim provinces, the pilgrims during the Hajj season, some merchants and the countries they travelled to. The paper revealed ibn Al-Qadisi's attitudes, personality, the Sunni sect, being Hanbali, political inclination towards the Abbasids and taking sides with the Abbasid Caliphate during the leadership of the Caliph Al-Nasir, too.




How to Cite

Telfah, M. (2021). The Baghdadi Historian Muhammad ibn Ahmad Al-Qadisi (died 632 A.H/ 1235 A.D) and his book Al-Fakhir fi dhikr hawadith Ayyam al-Imam al-Nasir. Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences, 48(4). Retrieved from