The Works of Volunteering woman during the 1st and 2nd Abbassinyan Periods (132-334 Hijri/ 749-946 A.C)


  • Maha Al-Rawi


This research aims to discuss the phenomenon of variety which means that it's essential for the person to donate from his own conviction without any obligatory conditions in order to perform the humanism, and this research discovers the calling, cultural, scientific, political, social and economic sides which had been established by the woman during the first and second Abassynian reign the women had a great degree in it, that she added to her family work other voluntary work outside her home for free or for a small amount of money that was because the wide area granted to women to work outside her home as well as the meeting of the Abbasid community with other non-Arab societies and civilizations that encourage the work of women, so that great authorities had appeared in accordance with this case and contributed with her brother (the man) in overcoming physical difficulties or economic problems and in making the effective basic for stability, prosperity and establishment of the first Islamic Arab civilization.



How to Cite

Al-Rawi, M. (2020). The Works of Volunteering woman during the 1st and 2nd Abbassinyan Periods (132-334 Hijri/ 749-946 A.C). Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences, 47(4). Retrieved from


