Poetic Experience in Lzumiat Abu Ala Marri Death Model


  • Huda Qaza الجامعة الهاشمية


This research purports to discern elements of poetic experience, which cross-Marri of which about death in terms of Assumptions, and tools, and elements, goals, and results. It also shows the nature of death, and passion Maari towards him, and the existential questions posed by his experience in the Poetic experience in Allzumiat, and balanced between life and death, the literary and the facts presented in the case. The Lancet in the search objective approach, focusing on the topics, in the sense it was not a prerequisite poetry analysis, destination or substantially, but it was a metaphor to determine the signs of the case, and the elements of poetic experience and statement.



How to Cite

Qaza, H. (2016). Poetic Experience in Lzumiat Abu Ala Marri Death Model. Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences, 43. Retrieved from http://archives.ju.edu.jo/index.php/hum/article/view/9254


