The Contributions of Al-Amsar Scholars to the Science of Quranic Recitations in Baghdad during Abbased Era)149 - 447 A.H /766 -1055 A.D(


  • Awad Thunaibat Mutah University


The present study aims at sheding the light on the role of the glorious Qur'an provincial Reciters in the development of the science of Qur'anic reciting during the period 149-447 A.H /766-1054 A.D. i.e. when Baghdad became the capital of the Abbasids Caliphate till the rise of the Saljuqids sultanate. The study explores many elements i.e. the meaning of the Qur'anic reciting science, the causes behind the Reciters coming to Baghdad from all over the Islamic provinces during the period under study, The Reciters biographies and their contributions. Primary and secondary sources are consulted, i.e. general works of history, biographical works, lexical and books of language, Islamic geographical sources, and finally, modern works related to the topic including "Al-Fahrast" by Ibn Al-Nadeem, "History of Baghdad" by Al-Khateeb Al-Baghdadi, "Ma'refat Al-Qura' Al-Kebar" by Al-Thahabi, and "Ghayat Al-Nehaya fi Tabaqat Al-Qura'" by Ibn Al-Jazri.




How to Cite

Thunaibat, A. (2014). The Contributions of Al-Amsar Scholars to the Science of Quranic Recitations in Baghdad during Abbased Era)149 - 447 A.H /766 -1055 A.D(. Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences, 41(2). Retrieved from


