The Contributions of Mohammad Bin Alhanafyyah to the Arab Islamic


  • Sulayman Al-Sarayrah جامعة مؤته/استاذ مشارك/قسم التاريخ/ تاريخ اسلامي


This paper provides an investigation, an analysis, and an evaluation for the contributions of Mohammad Bin Alhanafyyah who was one of the most prominent figures in the history of the Islamic era especially during the end of the first caliphate period and the beginning of the Umayyad caliphate period. In the light of the historical resources available for the researcher, it was concluded that this prominent figure contributed to many events especially those that took place during the caliphate period. It was also concluded that he also witnessed many important events during the caliphate period of Alhassan and his abdication of the caliphate to Muawyyah. Moreover, he witnessed the conflict between the Umayyads and Alhusein, the brother of Alhassan, which ended in the murderer of the latter. Mohammed Bin Alhanafyyah was an eyewitness on all of those events until he died in 8 A.H.



How to Cite

Al-Sarayrah, S. (2016). The Contributions of Mohammad Bin Alhanafyyah to the Arab Islamic. Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences, 43(1). Retrieved from


