Effect of Internal and External Variables on Iran's Regional Trends Iran – Arab Relations: A Case Study


  • Mohammad Mogdad Al-albayt University


The study aims to diagnose the impact of changes that have occurred in Iran since the arrival of the Islamic revolution to power in (1979), represented by the variables Interior relevant aspect of the political variable reform and changing the party, in addition to the variables in the economic side, through the study of each of the variable real growth of GDP, and the rate of inflation, unemployment and the size of the economic sectors, as well as variables State in International politics and Security issue. The study also discusses the impact of the changing regional when the Islamic Republic of Iran in the light of relations with the Arab world, especially with the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) as a case study. The study is based on the premise that major "The presence of correlation between the impact of internal and external variables that have taken place in Iran and the impact on the orientations of Foreign Affairs", so each of the study employs a systems approach and political career and indicators method. Finally, the study found several key findings is highlighted that "Iran's policy of international influenced by the nature of the direction parallel to the leaders of the regime in achieving powerhouse regional to Iran in line with the objectives of the Islamic Revolution on one side, and the benefits of change in domestic policy and foreign affairs as a result of the demands of reform and the need to pursue levels top serve the general interests of the components of the state, other side". Keywords: Internal Variables, External Variables, Orientations




How to Cite

Mogdad, M. (2013). Effect of Internal and External Variables on Iran’s Regional Trends Iran – Arab Relations: A Case Study. Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences, 40(2). Retrieved from http://archives.ju.edu.jo/index.php/hum/article/view/4803


