Morphological Forbiddens in Arabic Language


  • Suha Na’ja The University of Jordan
  • Hassan El-Malkh Al al-Bayt University


This research seeks to examine morphological forbiddens in order to answer the intriguing question: "how much do morphological forbiddens appear in the works of Arab morphologists in agreement, disagreement, in modern and ancient time?" The research aims at showing the ability of morphological criteria to describe Arabic language in an accurate morphological description, in order to enable the learner of Arabic language to build his/her linguistically morphological ability without weakening Arabic language in the common spoken and written forms, for the morphological forbiddens are built on tracing the language of the Arabs whose speech is standard for formulating morphological rules, taking into consideration the rules of Islamic religion especially the expressions that have religious connotations and respecting the Arabic linguistically traditions, to reject those expressions which are unpermitted in the rules of Arabic language, since the rules of language are based on listening and comparison: Morphological forbiddens embody of balance between these two rules.




How to Cite

Na’ja, S., & El-Malkh, H. (2013). Morphological Forbiddens in Arabic Language. Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences, 40(2). Retrieved from


