Aesthetics of Ugliness in Theater Texts


  • Omar Nakrash The University of Jordan


This research aims to introduce, identify, and discover aesthetics of ugliness in theater texts through studying the concept of ugliness in critical, artistic, and aesthetics studies; this research resorts to the duality of aesthetics and its role in developing artistic appreciation in the reader's zone. This study begins with an introduction that starts with identifying the problem of the study, its research questions, its goals, its significance, its limits, and its justifications. The study then presents the methodology of the research, which contains aesthetics values and principles that contribute in enhancing the usage of aesthetics in theatre texts. This study sheds lights on aesthetics value for ugliness so that it can recognize its significance in theater texts through a modern theater vision in criticism and aesthetics. The study uses samples of plays that support the argument of the study. Due to the broad aspect of this study, the researcher has limited his current study to what serves his purpose, which can be summarized as an attempt to recognize and visualize aesthetics criteria of ugliness value, its aesthetics and critical significance in theatre texts.




How to Cite

Nakrash, O. (2013). Aesthetics of Ugliness in Theater Texts. Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences, 40(2). Retrieved from


