The Modified Architecturally and Churches during the Umayyad Period in Jordan: Yamoun Church as a Prototype


  • Nizar Tarshan


This study aims at clarifying and analysing the Architectural and functional modification of the churches during the Umayyad period and earlier. The main example is Yamoun church in northern Jordan, which is compared with many other churches in Jordan such as churches Bidiyah in Ajloun, Khirbat Mukhayat, churches Mafraq and Rehab and many more others in northern Jordan and many more than in the context of the search. Focus was on studying the circumstances and reasons which led to the amendment of these churches in line with the requirements of the population in those locations where these buildings were built and studied with various historical backgrounds, which contributed effectively to bring about such changes. Research has taken into archaeological and historical approach because of the importance of addressing these studies in Islamic civilization. Two frames interconnected at the level of the curriculum.




How to Cite

Tarshan, N. (2012). The Modified Architecturally and Churches during the Umayyad Period in Jordan: Yamoun Church as a Prototype. Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences, 38(2). Retrieved from


