The Night in Al Sayyab's Poetry A Study in the Stylistic Structure for the Metaphor


  • Fayez Al-Quraan


This study observes the night phenomenon as a metaphorical topic. Dealt with it the poetic experiment of Al-Sayyab and that's through a guiding formation of the night in the stylistic structure for the metaphor, and the stylistic sides that can reveal efficiency about the stylistic faces that represented in them. Al Sayyab's experiment have covered the night topic until it became effective in the production of indications and meanings, and they have covered three levels: the transformational level between the metaphor ends in terms of the absence and the arrival, and it has revealed that this experience presents the night in many of the metaphorical buildings as a compared and the compared to it was absent until the meaning production is from a cancellation and the second level is the ability of the night on the contextual expansion in terms of the spread of functions that is synonymous with it or that punctuates margins to it, and discussed this level in the contextual relations that link the metaphor with the context that surrounds. And as for the third level, it discusses the stylistic formation for the metaphor in terms of its sticking to the other poetic images and it has revealed in it its formation within three relations: the metaphorical singularization, the metaphorical suspension and the metaphorical overlap.




How to Cite

Al-Quraan, F. (2010). The Night in Al Sayyab’s Poetry A Study in the Stylistic Structure for the Metaphor. Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences, 35(1). Retrieved from


