From Andalusian Poets Paradoxes against Pre-Islamic Poetry (Applied Cases)


  • Jamal Ghidan


Pre-Islamic poetry has been vivid in the memory of the entire nation over the past consecutive ages. That is because it is the origin from which art components force emanated. Hence, its approach, forms, techniques, utterances and meanings, and structures as well as lots of its images remained common amongst literary men including their verse or prose. This presence was reflected in verse paradoxes. This research provides a scenario on influence of the pre-Islamic poetry on the paradox Andalusian poetry in terms of forms and meanings, eloquence, rhymes and rhythms, linguistic techniques and technical structure of the poem, especially when paradox is between two poems. It is concerned with investigating paradoxes raised by Andalusian poets such as Ibn Abed Rabu, Ibn Shohaid, and Ibn Loboon, and some pre-Islamic poets such as Imri’ Al Qais bin Hujr Al Kindi, Tarafa bin Al Abd Al Bakri, Qais Bin Al Khatim Al Awsi, Abi Qais bin Al Aslat Al Awsi, Duraid bin Al Simma Al Joshami and Ummaya bin Abi Al Salt Al Thaqafi. In this research paper, the researcher has adopted some analytical analysis approaches such as analytical descriptive approach, historical approach in giving Andalusian examples, and benefited from atheistic, symbolic and psychological approaches.




How to Cite

Ghidan, J. (2011). From Andalusian Poets Paradoxes against Pre-Islamic Poetry (Applied Cases). Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences, 38(1). Retrieved from


