Burying Children alive by Arabs In the Pre-Islamic Period and The Islam Attitude Towards It


  • Hani Abu Al-Rub


This research studied the habit of burying children alive by the Arabs in the pre-Islamic period and the attitude of Islam towards. It discusses the reasons of this habit its method, the tribes in which it spread, compared to other nations like Greek, Indian and Jewish. The attitude of Arabs towards it before and after Islam. The researcher found that this habit was widely spread among the Bedouin tribes in which assault was spreading, whereas it was scare in the settled tribes. The reason behind burying males alive was poverty, while burying females alive was due to poverty, hindrance and the fear of dishonor of captivity. There was no consensus agreement on the habit of burying females alive between tribes and also within the same tribe. When Islam came, this habit was totally forbidden and considered as a sin. Islam insisted on bringing up children well, especially females, considering this as one of the reasons for parents to go heaven.




How to Cite

Abu Al-Rub, H. (2010). Burying Children alive by Arabs In the Pre-Islamic Period and The Islam Attitude Towards It. Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences, 36(1). Retrieved from http://archives.ju.edu.jo/index.php/hum/article/view/168


