Blacks lose identity under the lie of democracy A Study in Lorraine Hansberry's Les Blancs


  • Alaa Abdulrazaq


Lorrain Hansberry as a young African American playwright, serves blacks political issue against racism by her play Les Blancs . Racism affects blacks and it becomes an intractable political issue. The play deals with the revolt against European colonialism in an African state, modeled on Kenya. It represents both a denunciation of colonialism in Africa and criticizing race relations in early1960s in America. So from this point, Hansberry in Les Blancs provokes both Americans and Africans by exposing the danger of civil war as it frequently generates racism and Black's plundered rights by radicalism. Les Blancs examines a problem of the twentieth century which is the problem of color line. Hansberry believes that the oppression of human by human needs to be cure, so she presents oppression in a new manner by creating aware characters of races. She tries to describe the difficulties of Africans and Africans Americans when they resist European rules to gain freedom. This paper exposes how does Hansberry prove the excessive oppression of white's liberalism and colonial militarism in that makes Blacks lose their identity under the lie of democracy.




How to Cite

Abdulrazaq, A. (2020). Blacks lose identity under the lie of democracy A Study in Lorraine Hansberry’s Les Blancs. Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences, 47(2). Retrieved from