Teaching by Pause Technique in the Classroom


  • Fa'eza Salih


Communication represents the essence of language learning. Since the unspecified evolution of conveying information, human beings have been employing the main constituents of language with short pauses. Although the punctuation marks necessitate short expressions among thought group of words in writing, human language demand for understanding how and when to pause orally. This paper presents the pause technique in the classroom. It signifies the relation between pausing and lecturing in the class and determines its sufficient time-management to interact with college learners of different specializations. The conduct study reviewed teaching pause technique in the empirical studies at Special Education and Communication Disorders of Pennsylvania State University; Government Medical College, Amritsar, India; and Financial Accounting class at the University of Bangladesh, India. The chronological period of the studies ranged between 1987 and 2014. The reason behind collecting data is to maintain its power to the teacher in managing the classroom and to the students for academic and professional attainments. The intersection point has lain in the positive effect of pause technique in students' performance and teachers' management. The sample distribution of the experimental groups' means reported with extreme advancement of teachers and students in managing pausing. The study findings support implementing short and long pauses for successful classroom management. Reasonable period intervals are included from the prospect of mental realization. It is difficult to compare the diverse results statistically due to the absence of individual rates of assessments. The study recommended that teachers for effective learning classroom need to implement at least more than three pauses in one-hour lecture.




كيفية الاقتباس

Salih, F. (2019). Teaching by Pause Technique in the Classroom. Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences, 46(2). استرجع في من http://archives.ju.edu.jo/index.php/hum/article/view/105064