The Predicted Characteristics of the Foster Family in The Raising of Children Born Out of Wedlock in Jordanian Society


  • Khaled Al-Alwan


The Study Aims to Show the Predicted Characteristics of the Foster Family in The Raising of Children Born Out of Wedlock in The Jordanian Society. The Researcher Used a Sample for the Purpose. The Sample Consisted of (95) Family Households that wereabout (14.26%) Of The Total Foster Families of (666). The Data Was Collected Through the Use of the Survey. The Results of the Study Indicated a Number of Important Findings. The Most Important is that certain Characteristics Such as: Gender, Age, Education, Financial Status, Residency, Years as A Foster Parent, Monthly Spending, And State of Homes Were Not Predictive of How They Fostered a Democratic Environment for Their Children. However, there were three characteristics that predicted the hegemony and chaotic nature of their environment and these were their gender, place of residency and the number of years of their foster care. The study also pointed out a number of recommendations for The Ministry of Welfare in order to improve the foster care system.



How to Cite

Al-Alwan, K. (2020). The Predicted Characteristics of the Foster Family in The Raising of Children Born Out of Wedlock in Jordanian Society. Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences, 47(1). Retrieved from


