Synoptic Climatology Analysis of Succession Heat Waves whichAffected Jordan in Rainy Season 2009 / 2010


  • Mohammad Bani Domi


The research paper aims to analyze the abnormal succession of heat waves which affected the rainy season of 2009-2010 in Jordan especially in august,2010. The goal of this study lies in determining the impact of heat waves on the environment, the economy and humans, finding out the factors that contribute to its occurrence, and working out procedures that might reduce the impact of heat waves. A Synoptic analysis of climate condition and statistic of upper atmosphere maps where the level of pressure is 500 mb , and sea surface maps in order to indicate low depression, region, their routes and intensity as well as upper air protrusion line between 500mb presser level and surface temperature of heat waves under study. The researcher finds that the successive heat waves which affected Jordan during august ,2010 resulted from the monsoon depression extended westward and the Saudi thermal depression extended to the north and northeast of the eastern parts of the Mediterranean . all of these were integrated with upper ridge at 500mb pressure level which obstructed the movement of upper western air, forced air to change its route towards the north, and stimulated air currents to flow to low levels . successive heat waves, as the study finds, were caused by these main factors.



How to Cite

Bani Domi, M. (2020). Synoptic Climatology Analysis of Succession Heat Waves whichAffected Jordan in Rainy Season 2009 / 2010. Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences, 47(3). Retrieved from


